Celebration of the United Nations Day

The City Government of San Pedro, through the City Tourism, Culture, and the Arts Office is one with the international community in today’s celebration of the United Nations Day.

On this date 78 years ago, the different member countries of the UN had ratified the United Nations Charter that they signed four months before. Established after the Second World War, the UN aims to be an intergovernmental organization that would promote peace, development and social progress, human rights, and justice. Through the different bodies that it established under international law, the UN has been on the forefront of advancing its different causes and preventing the repeat of bloodshed that happened during World War II.

At present, the UN is composed of 192 member states, and has six principal operational organizations that runs its daily operations: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Trusteeship Council. Apart from this, it has a multitude of specialized agencies and programs that advances its aims and aspirations.



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